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There are two primary benefits that are pertinent to the potential sponsors of Durban City Football Club. Firstly the club is registed as a Public Benefit Organisation for tax purposes, in terms of S10(1)(CN) of the Income Tax Act. This registration will ensure that all sponsors/donors are able to obtain a full deduction for income tax purposes of any amount donated in terms of this section of the income tax act. This deduction is obtainable on presentation of a S18A certificate issued by the entity as contemplated by the Income Tax Act. This deduction is pertinent to both individuals and companies; however individuals are limited in the value of the donations they are allowed to deduct annually.

The second benefit that is relevant to any entity donating time or funds is the potential for earning broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) points for any expenditure incurred by them. Under the old and new B-BBEE codes it seems likely that the club will be structured to be able to provide donors/sponsors with the opportunity to earn Socio Economic Development points as envisaged by the codes of good practice. This will allow your donors to improve their B-BBEE level if they are either a qualifying small enterprise or a generic entity.

The above two benefits are in addition to the normal benefits that would arise from sponsoring a team, namely marketing access to the local community through advertising at events.

If you have any further queries please contact me in this regard.

Yours faithfully,

Glen Adams


Durban City Football Club

Contact: 083 332 7401


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